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‘Fisayo Soyombo
I am best remembered as the Nigerian journalist who spent five days in a police cell as a suspect and eight as an inmate in Ikoyi Prison — to track corruption in Nigeria’s criminal justice system, after which the authorities contemplated arresting me, or the journalist who drove the equivalent of a stolen vehicle from Abuja to Lagos, passing through a whopping 86 checkpoints in a journey of over 1,600km that lasted a cumulative 28hours 17minutes.
Before then, though, I had investigated the abandonment of soldiers injured in battle against Boko Haram, corruption in the handling of corpses at government-run mortuaries and cemeteries, theft of foodstuffs at NEMA stores and IDP camps in Borno, the plunder of Ebola funds in Liberia, corruption by men of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) at Apapa Port, the travails of cancer patients undergoing treatment at government-owned hospitals, the extortion of national ID card-seeking members of the public by NIMC officials, and, way back in 2013, the brutality of ethnocentric killings in Plateau State.
In 2019, I went under cover for three weeks as a patient of the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos. And in 2021, I unveiled the massacre of #ENDSARS protesters by the Army and the subsequent efforts by government agents to cover it up.
An Animal Scientist by discipline and journalist by profession, I have over 10 years of fulltime professional media experience.
I am currently the Founder/Editor-in-Chief of the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ). At The Cable, The International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR) and Sahara Reporters, where I worked as Editor, I oversaw all editorial processes of the online newspapers.